G-bits Privacy Policy

G-bits Privacy Policy

This version was updated on: June 26, 2023

G-bits Network Technology (Xiamen) Co., Ltd. and its affiliates (hereinafter collectively referred to as “G-bits” or “We”) have always regarded the protection of personal information and privacy of individuals using products or services of G-bits (hereinafter referred to as “users” or “you”) as a basic policy. In order to better protect your rights and interests, G-bits hopes to explain to you the rules and matters concerning the collection and use of your personal information during your use of G-bits’ products or services by providing this G-bits Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as “the Policy”).

Please read all the following terms and conditions carefully (minors should be accompanied by their statutory guardians), especially those in bold. If you disagree with any content of the Policy, G-bits’ products and services may not be provided normally, and you should immediately cease the use of G-bits’ products and services. By continuing to use G-bits’ products or services, you agree G-bits to collect, use, store, share, transfer and/or disclose your personal information according to the Policy.

Despite your consent to the Policy, not all your personal information listed in the Policy will be collected at one time. We will collect your personal information concerned only when you use any specific function described in the Policy.


I. Collection of Information

II. Use of Information

III. Storage of Information

IV. Disclosure of Information

V. Use of Cookies and Related Technologies

VI. How do you Manage your Personal Information

VII. Protection of Minors

VIII. Changes of Policy

IX. Contact Information

I. Collection of Information

G-bits will only collect the information necessary to realize the functions of its products and services in line with the principles of legality, legitimacy and necessity.

(i) G-bits will collect your log information, e.g., IP address, type of browser,  telecom operator, network environment, language used, date and time of visit, web browsing history, Push reading history, length of stay, refreshing history, posting history, following/subscribing/saving/sharing history, etc.

(ii) G-bits will access Baidu Analytics, and get information such as IP and location you provide to Baidu Analytics. Baidu Analytics is a product of Beijing Baidu Netcom Science Technology Co., Ltd. Any information you provide to Baidu Analytics should be subject to the service terms and information protection statement (not the Policy) of Baidu Analytics.

The Policy applies only to the personal information we collect via this website, and does not apply to third-party services or information use rules. If you use any our specific product or service, please read the privacy policy of that product or service. Further, please carefully read the user agreement or privacy policy of third-party services. If your find any risk in third-party services, please stop relevant operations to protect your legitimate rights and interests.

II. Use of Information

(i) G-bits will use the information shared by Baidu Analytics to optimize the performance of G-bits website and improve the user experience.

(ii) G-bits will use users’ log information to safeguard the personal and property safety of users and the public and better prevent such risks as phishing sites, fraud, network vulnerabilities, computer viruses, network attacks and network intrusions.

To use your information for any purpose not mentioned above, we will inform you again for your consent.

(iii) In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards, G-bits may collect and use your relevant personal information without your authorization or consent under the following circumstances:

1. The personal information is directly related to national interests such as national security and national defense security, or directly related to major public interests such as public security, public health and public knowledge;

2. The personal information is directly related to criminal investigation, prosecution, trial and/or judgment execution;

3. The personal information is collected or used for safeguarding the major legitimate rights and interests of yourself or other individuals, such as life security, property security and reputation, while it is difficult to obtain your consent;

4. The personal information collected is made available to the public by yourself;

5. The personal information is collected from legally available information, e.g., legal news reports and government information disclosure;

6. The personal information is necessary for signing and performing contracts as per your requirements;

7. The personal information is necessary to maintain the safe and stable operation of our products or services, e.g., finding and handling product or service failures;

8. The personal information is necessary for legal news reports;

9. The personal information is necessary for statistical or academic research for public interests, and the personal information involved is de-identified when research or description results are made available to the public;

10. Other circumstances provided by laws and regulations.

III. Storage of Information

(i) Storage period

Unless otherwise stipulated by laws and regulations or otherwise required by regulatory agencies, G-bits will only store your personal information for the shortest period necessary for the purposes stated in the Policy and required by laws and regulations.

(ii) Storage region

G-bits will store your personal information within China according to laws and regulations.

(iii) Deletion of information

When G-bits ceases the operation of its products or no longer stores your personal information according to the Policy, the electronic files containing your personal information will be permanently deleted, and we will take reasonable measures to prevent recovery of your personal information. If we are required to continue to store your personal information according to laws and regulations, your personal information will be separate from other types of information.

(iv) Information security

Under the existing equipment and technology conditions, G-bits will always take reasonable measures such as technology and management to ensure the safety and validity of your account. Meanwhile, G-bits will use the collected information in good faith, take all effective and necessary actions to protect your privacy, and adopt commercially reasonable technical safety measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, use or disclosure. At present, G-bits adopts industry-leading technical protection measures, including but not limited to firewall, encryption (e.g., SSL), de-identification/anonymization and access control (bastion host, second verification, etc.). We will regularly review our security policies and procedures to protect our systems However, you have to know that no information transmitted via the Internet can be completely safe, hence we will make every effort to ensure the safety of any information you provide to us.

G-bits has established dedicated management systems, processes and organizations to protect personal information. G-bits only allows its employees who really need to know your personal information to access your personal information, and has set up a strict access control and monitoring mechanism. G-bits requires all persons who may access your personal information to fulfill the relevant obligations of confidentiality. Any person who fails to fulfill these obligations will be investigated for legal responsibility.

(v) Measures for handling information security incidents

In the event of any security incident, e.g., personal information disclosure, G-bits will start an emergency plan to prevent escalation. Once a security incident occurs, G-bits will inform you of the basic information of the incident, the disposal measures and remedial measures taken or to be taken and the suggestions to you by announcement, push notification or e-mail.  If it is difficult to notify users one by one, G-bits will give a warning through announcement, etc.

IV. Disclosure of Information

(i) G-bits will strictly control and restrict information sharing according to laws and regulations. We will not share your personal information with any third party other than G-bits and its affiliates without your consent, except in the following circumstances:

1. We may share your personal information with a third party with your prior consent.

2. In other circumstances where your personal information is shared, provided or transferred to any third party, or you ask us to share, provide or transfer your personal information to a third party other than G-bits, G-bits will directly obtain or confirm your consent to such sharing, provision or transfer.

(ii) In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards, G-bits may share, transfer and/or disclose your relevant personal information without your prior consent under the following circumstances:

1. The personal information is disclosed by G-bits with your (or your guardian’s) written authorization or upon your (or your guardian’s) written request;

2. The disclosure is required by laws;

3. The disclosure is required by any judicial or administrative organ based on legal procedures;

4. The information is shared, transferred and/or disclosed for safeguarding the major legitimate rights and interests of yourself or other individuals, such as life and property security, while it is difficult to obtain your consent;

5. The personal information is made available to the public by yourself;

6. The personal information is collected from legally available information, e.g., legal news reports and government information disclosure;

V. Use of Cookies and Related Technologies

(i) What are Cookies

Cookies are a neutral technology that helps a web server to store data in the client or read data from the client. In order to improve the user experience, Leiting Company may obtain or use your information by Cookies or similar technologies (e.g., web beacons, log files, scripts and eTags, hereinafter collectively referred to as “Cookies technology”), and store such information as log information. The log information may be used for the following purposes:

1. Remember your identity. For example: Cookies technology helps us identify you as our registered user, or save the information about your preferences or other aspects you provide us. These Cookies are essential for the operation of our website;

2. Analyze your use of our services. We can use Cookies technology to find out the activities in which you use our services, or the services which are the most popular;

3. Optimize advertising. Cookies technology helps us to provide you with related ads rather than general ads according to your information.

(ii) How to manage Cookies

By default, most Internet browsers accept Cookies, which can be changed. For most Internet browsers, the “Settings” or “Help” function on the menu bar will tell you how to prevent the browsers from accepting new Cookies, how to receive the notification of new Cookies, and how to disable Cookies. Please note that some functions of our website may be unavailable if you disable Cookies. For more information, please see the Help menu in your Internet browser or the files attached to your device.

VI. How do you Manage your Personal Information

(i) Access, update and deletion

You are encouraged to update and modify your personal information to make it accurate and effective. You have the right to request deletion of your information (except the information that is prohibited to be changed or deleted according to the laws of the People’s Republic of China). If necessary, you can make such request by sending e-mails to brand@consciouscuba.com.

Once you withdraw your authorization, we will no longer provide you with the relevant services and no longer process your relevant information.

(ii) Personal information rights

You are entitled to many rights with respect to your personal information, which will be detailed below. Please note that all of the rights are not absolute, and each of them is subject to some exceptions or restrictions. Nothing in the Policy is intended to infringe upon or restrict your rights as a data owner under the data protection law.

Rights Descriptions
Right to know You have the right to get clear, transparent and easy-to-understand information about how we use your personal information and rights. This is why we provide you with the information in the Policy.
Right of inspection You have the right to get a copy of your personal information we collect and some other information about how we use your personal information, so that you can understand and check whether we use your personal information according to the relevant data protection laws. We may refuse to provide you with such information if it may disclose others’ personal information or otherwise adversely affect others’ rights.
Right of reproduction You have the right to obtain and reuse certain personal information in different organizations for your own purposes.
Right of correction You may request us to take reasonable measures to correct your inaccurate or incomplete personal information.
Right of deletion You may request us to delete your personal information if the use of your personal information is unjustified or illegal.

VII. Protection of Minors

We attach great important to the protection of minors’ personal information. We encourage the parents or guardians of minors to read the Policy, and guide minors to use our products and services.

We will actively safeguard the legitimate rights and interests of minors by using the anti-addiction system in accordance with the national anti-addiction policy. As per legal requirements, we will take diverse measures such as real-name authentication and anti-addiction system to guide minors to play games reasonably. When minors use our specific products or services, we may collect their information such as login time and game duration, so as to make them play games in a healthy way and to fulfill our social responsibilities. For details about collection of minors’ personal information, please refer to our privacy policy for specific products or services. If you are a parent or guardian of a minor, please send an email to brand@consciouscuba.com as long as you have any doubt about the minor’s personal information.

VIII. Changes of Policy

In case of any material change in the Policy, G-bits will notify you for your consent before the change takes effect. You can cease the use of our services if you disagree with the revised Policy. By continuing to use our services, you agree to be bound the revised G-bits Privacy Policy .

It should be noted that G-bits will collect, use, process and store your personal information according to the revised Policy only after you confirm and accept the revised Policy. You have the right to refuse the revised Policy. However, once you refuse the revised Policy, you may be unable to fully use the relevant services and functions, or the relevant services and functions may not have the intended effects.

IX. Contact Information

We have set up a dedicated department for personal information protection to protect your personal information in accordance with the Policy. If you have any complaints about network information security, or have any questions, comments or suggestions about the Policy or your information, please send an e-mail to brand@consciouscuba.com or send a letter to the following address:

Address: G-bits Legal Affairs Department, No. 4, Wanghai Road, Phase 2 Software Park, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian, China  

Postal code: 361008

In general, we will give a reply within 15 days after receiving your questions, comments or suggestions and verifying your user identity.


Registered address: Room 101, No. 4, Wanghai Road, Phase 2 Software Park, Xiamen

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